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Version: 5.0




June 11, 2024

What's Changed

  • Fix: AndroidiOS Correctly respond when a passcode is needed from the user for a Custom Passcode Vault instead of throwing an unrelated error. (RMET-3254)



May 29, 2024

What's Changed

  • Fix: Android Handle a potential error when reading or printing error data from the Device plugin (RMET-3402)



May 03, 2024

What's Changed

  • Fix: AndroidiOS When lockAfterBackgrounded is undefined, the vault should remain unlocked when backgrounded. If locking the vault immediately is desired, set lockAfterBackgrounded to 0. (RMET-3271)
  • Fix: AndroidiOS Ensure errors are properly surfaced during vault initialization
  • Fix: Android Fixes a crash with Identity Vault on Android 14 when using Capacitor 6. (RMET-3370)
  • Fix: Android Fixes an issue where the app backgrounded time was being incorrectly set due to a race condition when Custom Tabs was opened and the immediately closed
  • Fix: Android Calling getKeys on an empty vault should now properly return an empty array instead of throwing an error (RMET-3221)
  • Fix: AndroidiOS Fixes various issues with the initial state of a vault upon creation (RMET-3350)
  • Fix: iOS Calling isBiometricsAllowed now correctly returns deined if a user already denied biometrics permissions for the application
  • Fix: Web Properly updates the internal lock state in lock/unlock calls to the BrowserVault (RMET-3321)



April 04, 2024

What's Changed

  • Fix: Android Correctly handles null logger callbacks to ensure we return a proper error
  • Fix: Android Write background entered time on pause to ensure it exists when resuming the application (RMET-3270)
  • Fix: iOS Properly returns a response when biometric permissions are denied (RMET-3168)
  • Feature: Updates the getting started guides with new tutorials



Febraury 01, 2024

What's Changed

  • Chore: Version bump only



January 18, 2024

What's Changed

  • Fix: Android Prevent calling showBiometricPrompt() from locking the vault



January 09, 2024

What's Changed

  • Fix: Fixes an undefined error that was being thrown



October 11, 2023

What's Changed

  • Fix: Handle vault resume events properly when an application is using multiple vault instances



September 21, 2023

What's Changed

  • Feature: Adds support for a new logLevel configuration parameter to enable more verbose logging
  • Fix: Android Fixes a crash from an incorrect intent string name in the BiometricActivity
  • Fix: iOS Adds a fix to avoid breaking applications that utilize Apple CarPlay
  • Fix: Web Updates the BrowserVault interface to match the new API surface
  • Fix: Persist the backgroundEnteredTime in the keychain / shared preferences so that it is not lost if the app is killed and restarted by the operating system



June 21, 2023

What's Changed

  • Fix: Properly settings the passcode when creating a new Custom Passcode vault



June 20, 2023

New initialize method

We no longer recommend configuring your instance of Identity Vault using the constructor. Initializing a new vault is an asynchronous operation, and the constructor does not provide a way to handle errors or know when the initialization is complete. Instead, use the new initialize method, which returns a promise and provides a way to handle errors.

What's Changed

  • Feature: Adds initialize method
  • Fix: Android Invalidate vault and throw an error when all device biometrics or credentials are removed
  • Fix: Android Remove setting java version from the gradle file



May 12, 2023

What's Changed

  • Chore: Version bump only



May 12, 2023

What's Changed

  • Feature: Android Use AndroidX lifecycle dependencies



February 01, 2023

What's Changed

  • Fix: Catch and handle errors thrown when retrying vault operations



January 03, 2023

What's Changed

  • Fix: Android Allow a Device Security vault to be cleared without providing biometric credentials
  • Fix: iOS Improve interoperability with 3rd party Cordova packages



November 30, 2022

What's Changed

  • Fix: Android Handle a privacy screen dialog crash when the Activity is destroyed
  • Fix: Properly handle null values in setValue



July 22, 2022

What's Changed

  • Fix: Android Fixes a window manager crash when the privacy dialog tries to appear
  • Fix: Set the default value for hideScreenOnBackground to false



August 05, 2022

What's Changed

  • Fix: Invalidate an inconsistent Device Security vault when the user interacts with the vault



July 22, 2022

What's Changed

  • Fix: Android Check Device Security vault consistency on app resume
  • Fix: Android Properly trigger the privacy screen on Android 12+ or on devices using Gesture Navigation
  • Fix: iOS Properly check the system passcode status in isBiometricsEnabled
  • Fix: Ignore shouldClearVaultAfterTooManyFailedAttempts vault configuration setting for non Custom Passcode vaults



July 11, 2022

What's Changed

  • Feature: Allow using setCustomPasscode to change the passcode on a vault
  • Fix: Android Handle inconsistencies with Device Security vault and the current biometric strength
  • Fix: Android Avoid throwing an error when calling isEmpty if device biometrics are disabled



June 08, 2022

New isBiometricsAllowed method

The Device class exposes a new method isBiometricsAllowed() that returns the current state of biometric permissions.

What's Changed

  • Feature: Adds new isBiometricsAllowed() method
Additional Notes
On Android and iOS devices with TouchID, this isBiometricsAllowed() always returns granted



May 16, 2022

What's Changed

  • Fix: Android Removed JCenter dependencies
  • Fix: Add support for multiple instances of the Vault Migrator class to migrate multiple vaults



May 09, 2022

What's Changed

  • Fix: Android Fixes a null pointer exception on activity result



April 20, 2022

What's Changed

  • Fix: Fixes StrongBox compatibility detection
  • Fix: iOS Fixes a crash on Cordova when onError was initialized
  • Fix: iOS Avoid throwing an error when only a system passcode was setup for a device when creating a vault using DeviceSecurityType.Both



April 05, 2022

What's Changed

  • Feature: Adds support for the onLock trigger to In Memory vaults
  • Fix: iOS Fixes a bug where showBiomtricPrompt would never resolve



March 29, 2022

What's Changed

  • Feature: Adds a timeout boolean to the onLock handler to indicate if the vault was locked due to a timeout
  • Feature: Android Adds a flag to dim the background when the biometric prompt is shown
  • Fix: Android Properly handle missing resource strings in the Vault Migrator class



March 02, 2022

What's Changed

  • Fix: Correctly triggers the onError callback on the vault that is throwing the error



February 22, 2022

What's Changed

  • Fix: iOS Correctly invalidate a vault when the registered biometrics change



February 07, 2022

What's Changed

  • Feature: Android Skip prompt for biometrics when creating a new vault on Android
  • Fix: Adds support for isEmpty() to In Memory vaults



January 05, 2022

New showBiometricPrompt method

The Device class exposes a new method showBiometricPrompt() that enabled you to programmatically show a biometric prompt to the user. This method returns a Promise<void> that resolves when the user successfully authenticates using biometric or the promise is rejected with a standard VaultError code and message if a failure state occurs.

try {
await Device.showBiometricPrompt(promptConfig);
// biometric prompt succeeded successfully
} catch (err) {
// handle error

What's Changed

  • Feature: Adds ability to programmatically show the biometric prompt
  • Fix: Android Avoids vault key collisions when switching biometrics or removing system pin



December 10, 2021

What's Changed

  • Fix: Fixes an issue when using a version of TypeScript < 3.8



December 06, 2021

New onPasscodeRequested callback mechanism

Prior to this release, the onPasscodeRequested handler was invoked whenever a user was required to enter their passcode to unlock a Custom Passcode Vault. Once they did, it was intended that setCustomPasscode would be called to set the entered passcode and unlock the vault. However, this flow often caused problems and was very unintuitive.

We have added a new callback handler to the onPasscodeRequested method to simplify this process. Now, when the user is required to enter their passcode, the onPasscodeRequested handler will be invoked with a new second argument. This second argument is a callback that should be called with the entered passcode. Once the callback is called, the vault will be unlocked and the data will be accessible.

vault.onPasscodeRequested((isPasscodeSetRequest, onComplete) => {
const message = isPasscodeSetRequest
? 'Setup Passcode' // passcode is being set for first time
: 'Enter passcode'; // passcode is being asked for unlock
const passcode = window.prompt(message) || '';

What's Changed

  • Feature: Adds a new callback mechanism for handling onPasscodeRequested



November 22, 2021

New isEmpty method

Vaults now have the ability to programmatically check if the vault is empty. This can be used without needing to unlock the vault and read the data.

What's Changed

  • Feature: Added isEmpty() method
  • Fix: Android Resolves a crash that can occur on Android where the biometric prompt background conflicts with the application theme settings
  • Fix: Avoids errors thrown when onUnlock listener is set to null for Secure Storage vaults



November 16, 2021

What's Changed

  • Fix: Android Correctly handles some uncaught errors related to Android Keystore operations
  • Fix: Provides a proper error message when a malformed config object is passed
  • Fix: Fixes a class name collision with the Device plugin and @capacitor/device



October 27, 2021

What's Changed

  • Fix: Fixes a crash when importing complex objects into the vault
  • Fix: Removes built in localizations



October 11, 2021

New Device.hasSecureHardware method

We have added the ability to check if the running device has a secure hardware enclave. This should be used to programmatically determine if the device supports secure storage mechanisms so your application can react accordingly.

What's Changed

  • Feature: Add hasSecureHardware device check
  • Fix: Ensure that the VaultError.biometericsLockedOut error is thrown when the device biometrics are locked out
  • Fix: Don't unnecessarily trigger the onError handler for MissingBiometrticError



September 30, 2021

What's Changed

  • Fix: Properly set the isLockedOutOfBiometrics flag after getting locked out biometrics
  • Fix: iOS Remove vaults on iOS after re-install that can be moved due to iCloud
  • Fix: Allow DeviceSecurity vaults to be cleared without biometrics
  • Fix: Security: Fix ability to bypass max invalid unlock attempts on a vault
  • Fix: Android Security: Implements strong Android Keystore protections
  • Fix: Android Security: Properly set setUserAuthenticationParam based on the device security type



September 17, 2021

What's Changed

  • Fix: Properly handles vault data when biometrics have been changed or invalidated



September 07, 2021

What's Changed

  • Fix: Fixes lockOnBackgrounded regression



September 01, 2021

What's Changed

  • Fix: Correctly enforce requirement of cordova-android@10
  • Fix: Correctly implements keychain access control requirements for CustomPasscode vault
  • Fix: InMemoryVault clears correctly when vault is locked
  • Fix: Check the vault exists before attempting to read values from the vault to avoid null runtime errors
  • Fix: Android Handle null and undefined values in the lockAfterBackgrounded setting on Android
  • Fix: Replaced deprecated functions and cleaned up swift warnings from compiler
  • Fix: Align biometric attempt error codes between iOS and Android



August 10, 2021

What's Changed

  • Fix: iOS Fixes the splash screen not dismissing on iOS when hideScreenOnBacgkround is enabled
  • Fix: Fixes support for Identity Vault 5 in Cordova applications
  • Fix: Uses the correct encoding when writing vault data



July 28, 2021

New API Surface

This release marks a major milestore for Identity Vault and introduces a completely new API surface and requires a migration from older versions. See the migration guide for full migration details.

Non-Secure Browser Vault Implementation

A new browser vault has been added that does not implement any secure storage mechanisms and is intended to be used for development purposes only. See the Browser Vault documentation for details.

What's Changed

  • Breaking Change: New API Surface
  • Feature: Improved compatibility with other non-Angular frameworks
  • Feature: Enhanced local development experience
  • Feature: Android Android Class 2 Biometrics support