
class PortalBuilder(val name: String)

A class used to create Portal instances. It follows a Builder Pattern and can be used in situations where you want to programmatically create a Portal at runtime instead of using one directly in an XML layout.

Example usage (kotlin):

val portal: Portal = PortalBuilder("myPortal")
.setInitialContext(mapOf("myVariableFromAndroid" to 42))

Example usage (java):

Portal portal = new PortalBuilder("myPortal")
.setInitialContext(Map.of("myVariableFromAndroid", 42))


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Add an Asset Map to the Portal used with shared assets.

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fun addPlugin(plugin: Class<out Plugin?>): PortalBuilder

Add a plugin to be loaded with the Portal.

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fun addPluginInstance(plugin: Plugin): PortalBuilder

Add a plugin instance to be loaded with the Portal.

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fun create(): Portal

Creates the Portal instance from the current state of the PortalBuilder provided. This finishes building the Portal.

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fun setAssetMaps(assetMaps: <Error class: unknown class><String, AssetMap>): PortalBuilder

Set a list of AssetMap to the Portal used with shared assets.

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Set development mode on the Portal which will look for a server URL set by the Portals CLI. This is set to true by default but can be turned off manually if desired.

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fun setInitialContext(initialContext: Any): PortalBuilder

Sets the initial context to pass to the web view. You can pass in either a Map or a String that will be parsed into a JSON object.

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fun setLiveUpdateConfig(context: Context, liveUpdateConfig: LiveUpdate, updateOnAppLoad: Boolean = true): PortalBuilder

Set the LiveUpdate config if using the Live Updates SDK with Portals.

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fun setPlugins(plugins: MutableList<Class<out Plugin?>>): PortalBuilder

Set a list of Capacitor Plugin to be loaded with the Portal.

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Set the PortalFragment class used with displaying the Portal when added to an XML layout.

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Set the directory of the Portal. This directory is the on device directory of where your web application is located.


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the name of the Portal