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This tutorial shows how to implement Apple Pay for a purchase page that is displayed on iOS Safari, Safari on a Mac, or in a Capacitor app using the Ionic Apple Pay Plugin.


Apple Pay works only in these scenarios:

  • In the iOS Safari browser.
  • In the Mac Safari browser.
  • In a Capacitor App when using the Ionic Apple Pay Plugin.
  • In a Capacitor App if the page is opened with the Capacitor Browser Plugin.

Apple Pay does not work in these scenarios:

  • On an Android device.
  • On a non-Safari iOS browser.
  • On a non-Safari browser on Mac.
  • In the Web View of a Cordova or Capacitor App (without a plugin).
  • Where Apple Pay has not been set up on the device.

Your Purchase Page#

Creating your payment web page layout is out of scope for this tutorial. But be sure to serve it using https and have an interactive button to buy.

Note: When you call Apple Pay and have an awaited promise in your code you will likely get an error InvalidAccessError: Must create a new ApplePaySession from a user gesture handler. To fix this you will need to refactor your code to remove the await call and make the call synchronous.

Is Apple Pay Supported#

Here is a function that uses canMakePayments and returns a boolean that we can use to control whether the Apple Pay button is hidden.

  async checkForApplePay(): Promise<boolean> {    const res = await ApplePay.canMakePayments({      merchantIdentifier: 'my-apple-pay-merchant-identifier',      supportedNetworks: [        ApplePaySupportedNetwork.AMEX,        ApplePaySupportedNetwork.DISCOVER,        ApplePaySupportedNetwork.VISA,        ApplePaySupportedNetwork.VPAY,        ApplePaySupportedNetwork.PRIVATELABEL,        ApplePaySupportedNetwork.MASTERCARD]    });        
    return res.canMakePayments;  }

You will need to have configured a Merchant Identifier and added the Apple Pay Capability for this function to return true.

Make a Payment#

A payment should be triggered by a user gesture (like clicking a button) for it to work on Web.

Before initiating a payment you need to define what the user is purchasing.

Here is a sample request to purchase a $5 hot dog with a Credit Card:

import {     ApplePay,     ApplePayMerchantCapability,     ApplePayRequest,     ApplePaySupportedNetwork    } from '@ionic-enterprise/apple-pay';
const request: ApplePayRequest = {    version: 5,    merchantValidation: {        url: '',        params: {            merchantIdentifier: 'my-apple-pay-merchant-identifier',            displayName: 'My Store',            initiative: 'web',            initiativeContext: ''        }    },    paymentAuthorization: {        url: ''    },    request: {        merchantCapabilities: [            ApplePayMerchantCapability.THREEDS,             ApplePayMerchantCapability.CREDIT],        supportedNetworks: [            ApplePaySupportedNetwork.AMEX,            ApplePaySupportedNetwork.MASTERCARD,            ApplePaySupportedNetwork.VISA],        countryCode: 'US',        currencyCode: 'USD',        lineItems: [],        total: {            label: 'Hot Dog',            type: 'final',            amount: '5.00'        }    }};

Finally, we'll initiate the payment request. This will show the familar Apple Pay sheet.

try{    const response = await ApplePay.makePaymentRequest(request);    if (response.success) {        // Enjoy our hot dog    }} catch (error) {    // No hot dog for you    console.error('makePaymentRequest Failed', error);}

This should cover the happy path of purchasing a hot dog, but there are a few points in this code that need explanation:

  • If you are intending to only ever run your app natively and never in a web context then you can:
    • Set the merchantValidation url to undefined.
    • Set initiativeContext to undefined.
    • Leave initiative as web.
  • The merchantCapabilities must contain at least ApplePayMerchantCapability.THREEDS.
  • The lineItems property can specify individual items comprising the purchase but can be omitted with [].
  • The version property is for the Apple Pay version number (see Apple Pay Versions)