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Version: 3.x

Securing Tokens with Identity Vault

On native devices, Auth Connect defaults to storing all of the data and tokens it needs in localStorage, a key/value storage API that works in all browsers. It provides a simple solution that works across all platforms and allows developers to get up and running as quickly as possible. However, before pushing your application to production, we strongly advise implementing a different token storage provider in order to properly secure tokens and prevent them from being cleared by the device operating system. Auth Connect is designed to work easily with Identity Vault to provide a complete security solution for authentication and storage of logged-in credentials by simply passing an instance of Identity Vault to the tokenStorageProvider configuration option for Auth Connect. Alternatively, you can provide your own storage solution by implementing the TokenStorageProvider interface and providing it to the Auth Connect configuration.

Identity Vault v4


It's recommended to create a Service that encapsulates all Identity Vault logic not only as a best practice, but also since it makes it easy to integrate Auth Connect and Identity Vault together. Within the service, extend the IonicIdentityVaultUser class:

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { AuthMode, IonicIdentityVaultUser, IonicNativeAuthPlugin, DefaultSession} from '@ionic-enterprise/identity-vault';
import { Platform } from '@ionic/angular';
providedIn: 'root'
export class IdentityService extends IonicIdentityVaultUser<DefaultSession> {
constructor(public platform: Platform) {
// Identity Vault configuration will vary; see IV docs
super(platform, {
restoreSessionOnReady: false,
unlockOnReady: false,
// Automatically trigger Face Id
unlockOnAccess: true,
lockAfter: 1000,
hideScreenOnBackground: true,
authMode: AuthMode.BiometricAndPasscode

Next, pass an instance of Identity Vault to Auth Connect's tokenStorageProvider configuration option. After a user has authenticated successfully with their service provider using Auth Connect, tokens are automatically stored securely in Identity Vault.

import { IonicAuth } from '@ionic-enterprise/auth';
import { IdentityService } from './identity.service';
providedIn: 'root'
export class AuthenticationService extends IonicAuth {
constructor(identityService: IdentityService) {
let authConfig: IonicAuthOptions = {
authConfig: 'auth0',
platform: 'capacitor',
// snip - other options
// Pass IV instance here
authConfig.tokenStorageProvider = identityService;


Coming Soon...

Identity Vault v5+

Identity Vault version 5 and above offers a simpler API.


It's recommended to create a Service that encapsulates all Identity Vault logic not only as a best practice, but also since it makes it easy to integrate Auth Connect and Identity Vault together. Within the service, initialize the Vault object with various configuration options:

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { Vault } from '@ionic-enterprise/identity-vault';
export interface VaultServiceState {
session: string;
providedIn: 'root'
export class VaultService {
vault: Vault;
constructor() {
async init() {
this.vault = new Vault({
key: 'io.ionic.getstartedivangular',
type: 'SecureStorage',
deviceSecurityType: 'SystemPasscode',
lockAfterBackgrounded: 2000,
shouldClearVaultAfterTooManyFailedAttempts: true,
customPasscodeInvalidUnlockAttempts: 2,
unlockVaultOnLoad: false,

Next, pass an instance of Identity Vault to Auth Connect's tokenStorageProvider configuration option. After a user has authenticated successfully with their service provider using Auth Connect, tokens are automatically stored securely in Identity Vault.

import { IonicAuth } from '@ionic-enterprise/auth';
import { VaultService } from './vault.service';
providedIn: 'root'
export class AuthenticationService extends IonicAuth {
constructor(vaultService: VaultService) {
let authConfig: IonicAuthOptions = {
authConfig: 'auth0',
platform: 'capacitor',
// snip - other options
// Pass IV instance here
authConfig.tokenStorageProvider = vaultService.vault;


Coming Soon...

Handling Privacy Screens

Identity Vault provides the option to obscure the screen in app switcher mode through the setHideScreenOnBackground method. This may cause the privacy screen to overlay the web view launched by Auth Connect when logging in.

To prevent this behavior, programmatically disable the option to obscure the screen, wait for Auth Connect’s login method to resolve, then re-enable the option:

await Device.setHideScreenOnBackground(false);
await myAuthService.login();
await Device.setHideScreenOnBackground(true);