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Follow these steps to install Auth Connect into your app.
Setup Ionic Enterprise Key
If you have not already setup Ionic Enterprise in your app follow the one-time setup steps then install the plugin for Capacitor or Cordova:
_10npm install @ionic-enterprise/auth@6_10npx cap sync
Next, you must setup your application with either a Custom URL Scheme (easier) or Deep Linking (more secure).
Custom URL Scheme
You will need to manually update the native project config files.
For Android, update the variables.gradle
file located at android/variables.gradle
by adding the following variables:
_10ext {_10 ..._10 AUTH_URL_SCHEME = 'mycustomscheme' /// CHANGE THIS TO YOUR CUSTOM AUTH SCHEME_10}
For iOS, update the file located at ios/App/App/Info.plist
by adding the following inside the existing CFBundleURLTypes
_10<dict>_10 <key>CFBundleURLSchemes</key>_10 <array>_10 <string>$AUTH_URL_SCHEME</string>_10 </array>_10</dict>
Stop after this step. The following section on Deep Linking is an alternative to using a custom URL Scheme.
Deep Linking
As anyone can register a URL scheme for their application (including a duplicate of the one you chose) you can avoid this by associating a domain that you own with your application (known as Universal links or App links). This allows you to use a redirectUri with the format https://your-domain-name
Follow Capacitor's Deep Links guide to enable this feature and do not forget to modify the redirectUri
and logoutUrl
in your apps configuration as well as adding the url to your auth providers list of allowed redirect URLs.
Android Configuration
When using App Links on Android, Auth Connect will automatically handle configuring the Intent Filter on the Activity, so you can skip the Intent Filter Step on the guide.
However, it is essential to set the AUTH_URL_HOST
to ensure that your app handles authentication callbacks correctly.
Add this configuration directly to your project's variables.gradle
file located at android/variables.gradle
_10ext {_10 ..._10 AUTH_URL_HOST = '' /// Replace '' with your actual host_10 AUTH_URL_PATH_PREFIX = '/login' /// Replace '/login' with your actual path prefix_10}
_10ionic cordova plugin add @capacitor/plugin-cordova-compat_10ionic cordova plugin add @ionic-enterprise/auth@4 --variable AUTH_URL_SCHEME='mycustomscheme'
Custom URL Scheme Naming Consideration
It is recommended to replace $AUTH_URL_SCHEME
with your application's bundle id (
), or another value unique from other custom URL schemes (such as myapp://
) registered with your app.
This prevents plugins that handle deep linking from intercepting callbacks made by authentication providers that Auth Connect relies on to complete login/logout functionality.